Sunday, March 1, 2020


Every February spring is tries its best to emerge.  Crocosmia shoots are starting.  Just got a few daffodils.  And a rhododendron in my front yard is growing these cool turkey tail mushrooms.   Which means that these branches are dead, but I will keep to see these real neat mushrooms do their thing.

Another inevitable thing is earning dividend income.  The reward of saving and investing my hard earned income.  The difference between try and triumph is a little umph.  And an I and no y..  What a cheesy comment.

Someday, it will become a larger source of income than my paycheck.  That will be a wonderful day.  Every year I get closer..

Last month, I earned a total of $874.33 from 27 companies.  Almost a dividend a day.   Fun stuff.
It is down from my last summer's reshuffling, but part of my big goal of being much further ahead in the future.

This is my weakest month each quarter, but I can't complain.  It means I enter my big month of each quarter once this ends.  March will rock for me...

Here's how it looks:

2/3/20 T $115.44

2/3/20 CVS $32.00

2/3/20 VZ $53.51

2/5/20 CBRL $31.20

2/7/20 CZNC $40.77

2/10/20 APD $10.44

2/13/20 AAPL $30.80

2/14/20 AES $33.39

2/14/20 CLX $21.20

2/14/20 CL $9.46

2/14/20 MAIN $20.50

2/14/20 NNN $40.17

2/14/20 OHI $100.50

2/14/20 O $15.58

2/14/20 SKT $36.21

2/18/20 APLE $11.00

2/18/20 HRL $10.46

2/18/20 PG $33.57

2/20/20 PAYX $40.30

2/20/20 WTFC $1.68

2/20/20 CAT $38.11

2/21/20 SBUX $27.06

2/21/20 COST $5.20

2/26/20 WRK $52.08

2/28/20 CLDT $21.45

2/28/20 C $8.67

2/28/20 WSM $34.08 $874.83

AT&T is always the big one in February.  Solid company with a long track record of amazing dividends.  IMO, AT&T is one of the must haves for a dividend investor.

See ya next month!

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